Several weeks ago my husband was walking around the house laughing at how we have images of other people's children hanging up... but not a single image of our own kids are to be found on the walls. After looking around (and realizing he was right... did not tell him this part) I decided that it was not doing my beautiful, handsome, funny, goofy kids any justice to walk into OUR home and see images of strangers.
I waited until the weather was nice, the kids were well prepped and off we went to my new favorite local location. I was smart about this and shot each kid separately.. I first took my 16 year old, spent some time with her and then dropped her back off at the house only to pick up the other two little ones. Okay, so they are 'little' to me but in all actuality they are 11 and 13... not so 'little', but still considered my 'babies'.
This is what I came up with... and I LOVE them! I ordered the images as 24 x 30's on metallic paper (if you've never ordered Metallic before it's an absolute MUST) because I do not ever want for anyone to walk into my home and not see photo's of my own kids. LOL. Hey... when I do it... I do it big time peeps!